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Why Pet Artwork Matters

You see it all over the internet – everyone is blowing up each other’s phones with pictures upon pictures of their beloved dogs and cats and horses. Everything from silly, crazy cat videos to dogs being goobers – there’s no end to pet’s being the stars in many famous online videos. So in the midst of this culture where everyone shares everything online, whether that’s through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or just through a simple text message – why does pet artwork matter?

And I’m not just talking about the newest filter you put on your Instagram post. I’m talking about hanging on your wall, framed, and custom edited photography. What’s so special about it and why does it matter? There’s three big reasons.

FIRST, pet artwork won’t get lost in the sea of time, stuck on a flash drive in a drawer, or just sit on your computer or phone for years and years with no one looking at it. Too many people take hundreds of photos and never look at them more than once or twice before posting them to social media. Then, once they’re posted and they’ve received a few likes, they are lost in a flood of new posts, other people’s pictures, and silly but hilarious memes. They only hold the spot light for a single moment that then they’re gone. And maybe that’s beautiful in it’s own right.

However, with artwork, there’s a distinct difference. The quality, feel, and sense of accomplishment you feel when you gave upon a custom piece of artwork isn’t an empty, unsatisfying feeling like it is with social media. Instead, your image is custom. It is the centerpiece and makes a statement, bringing together the final touches of your room like icing on a cake. It lasts and is never thrown away among thousands of other images like it is in social media. And not only are there special coatings that can go on the artwork to make it fade resistant and all it’s colors POP, but it also is something tangible – something physical you can see, touch, feel, and admire. Everyone who walks into the room will notice it and it will improve the entire look and atmosphere of your home. This is something posting to social media cannot even begin to compare with.

SECOND, pet artwork is personal. Think about all the famous painters you knew – each one known for their own unique style and technique. Pet photography is much the same way with no two photographers and no pieces of artwork ever being the same. Each photographer has their own unique style that shines through in the artwork they produce. This accents your pet’s already wonderful personality and helps to act like a nice vase to a beautiful flower. It’s not the focus, but nonetheless draws your eyes to the gorgeous flower that resides in it.

THIRD, a single piece of pet artwork has a very special and personal story behind it. A picture is worth a thousand words goes the saying. While most people take hundreds of pictures, none of the particularly amazing or memorable, a single piece of artwork showcasing the best of the best photos says more than a thousand words ever could. It contains within it the memories of a wonderful photoshoot, the wonderful and loveable personality of a pet, their bond to their owner, and it stands as a memorial to that deep connection.

So the next time you have someone over in your house and they say “wow” as they look at your wonderful artwork – wild stories, memories, and visions of fun times to come whirling in their minds, you’ll feel a deep sense of accomplishment, proud of the blessing of the deep connection you have to your fur balls that brings together the entire atmosphere of your room . You’ll always be glad you went with artwork over that Instagram or Facebook post – and now you’ll never look back.

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CJ Ashmore, Owner


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